October 14 2015 – fruit & vegetable – Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

October 14, 2015
Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
I don’t what about you, but I have a clear idea in my mind what is vegetable and what is a fruit. Banana, Mango and Papaya are fruits. While Tomato, Cucumber and onion are vegetables. right?

But apparently those kind of stuff are geographically depended.
We went to Bahir Dar market to buy ourselves couple of things to make Sandwiches to the hike we had to the Blue Nile falls.

It is really nice market, organized to areas by the products they sell. We want some vegetables so we went to the vegetables area.

We bought tomatoes, lemon and onion (The seller laughed at us for buying only 2 onions, they sell bags of it … but we couldn’t found any Avocado.

Then It came into mind: we been drinking lots of smoothies over here. Banana smoothies, Mango smoothies, Papaya smoothies…. and yep Avocado smoothies
So we went to the fruit area and there it – high stacks of Avocado 

Take Care

A banana smoothie - vegetableA banana smoothie

An pink Guava smoothie - vegetableAn pink Guava smoothie

And an Avocado smoothie - vegetableAnd an Avocado smoothie

On the way to Bahir Dar - vegetableOn the way to Bahir Dar - vegetableOn the way to Bahir Dar

Tana Lake (the source of the Blue Nile) from Bahir Dar - vegetableTana Lake (the source of the Blue Nile) from Bahir Dar - vegetableTana Lake (the source of the Blue Nile) from Bahir Dar

Bahir Dar Market - vegetableBahir Dar Market

Vegetable area in Bahir Dar Market Vegetable area in Bahir Dar Market Vegetable area in Bahir Dar Market Vegetable area in Bahir Dar MarketVegetable area in Bahir Dar Market

Spices area in Bahir Dar Market - vegetableSpices area in Bahir Dar Market

Colorful plastic shoes stand in the market of Bahir Dar. Most of the people use those shoes. - vegetableColorful plastic shoes stand in the market of Bahir Dar.
Most of the people use those shoes.

The Kitchen equipment area - vegetable The Kitchen equipment area - vegetableThe Kitchen equipment area

The fruit area - where we founded the Avocado The fruit area – where we founded the Avocado 

The new buildings are eating the marketThe new buildings are eating the marketThe new buildings are eating the marketThe new buildings are eating the market

Getting information (from a Palestinian point of view) of what going on in Israel.Getting information (from a Palestinian point of view) of what going on in Israel.Getting information (from a Palestinian point of view) of what going on in Israel.

Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

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Bahir Dar, Ethiopia 11.600000, 37.383333