Bokek stream was not what I wished for today, as I hoped we will see some floods in Judean desert. The stream is just above the Dead Sea hotels area (named Ein Bokek after the stream) , so you can basically walk up to it from your hotel (I do not know if you visited it while you were here).
The stream is flowing all year around, which is not so common in Israel, especially in the desert (the only other one I can think of is Ein Gedi). But the reason for it is that the water are pump for it, as the springs are dry.
As it has flowing water, and it is so close to the hotels – keep in mind it will probably be crowded on summer days or weekends.
One think you do need to keep in mind, and not written clearly anywhere, is that the hike is partly in the water – and you need sandals to hike there.
Take Care
The entrance the Nahak Bokek Nature reserve – there is no entrance fee
A sign or the regional council Tamar
Bokek stronghold above the stream
The stronghold is square in dimension with towers in the corners
As it is flowing – it is also green
And you hit the cliff, which you climb with handles
The waterfall by the cliff. You can swim, but not climb up – Bokek
Atzva going down the cliff, the white pipes are streaming the water up the creek
Looking on the upper part of the stream from the top of the cliff
Looking on the stream flowing down to Dead Sea
If you wish to keep hiking – the way is up
You need to step out from the water for a small walk in the middle