October 6th 2013 – Snowdonia, Wales – Rock climbing

Snowdonia, Wales
Rock climbing!!
Girl I tell you, climbing in Wales is so easy compare to doing it in Israel!… Well at least where we went climbing =D
It was a big piece of rock, and what make it a whole more easy, was that it had a positive slope. So you don’t have to push your ass to the wall all the way =)

We had many times climbing around in Israel (both in and outside) with some of our friends, but here they are really keep on safety (we all had worn our helmets on our heads).

Many of this sport are in English anyway, so we did not have to work hard to understand what to say. Apart from it, the big difference was of course the view of Wales which is so green and beautiful.

Take Care

10062013-01 The rock, and all the small things on it are people. See what a nice positive slope?The wall we were climbing on, you see all those small things on it? those are people. See what a nice positive slope is?

10062013-02 Half way up, they are looking up while they have that beautiful view - Rock climbingHalf way up, they are looking up while they have that beautiful view down from them

10062013-03 The easy way to climb up.... - Rock climbingThe easy way to climb up….

10062013-05 The rock covered with climbersThe rock covered with climbers

10062013-04 The rock covered with climbers - Rock climbingYou can just climb on the hill next to the rock, and take pictures like this one. I know that kind of make the activity pointless (I mean you can just go around the rock, climb the hill and you are on the top of the rock) – but this is the sport