Old videotapes and one video from the army

When I was in my second year in the Technion, about 8 years ago, I decided to take all my family videotapes (if you even know what they are… 🙂 and copy them to DVD, so they won’t lost.

Nowadays, the DVD is going into extinction too, and the DVD need to be copied into hard drives or to be saved in the cloud (I prefer having several copies in different places than having one in google hands…).

Most of the tapes were of the youngest brothers: Guri and Fatma. Make sense when I was a fetus, even ultrasound tests was rare. When they were babies, each house had a video camera.

They were many sweet headlines for the tapes: Fatma walks, Ima and Aba wedding, all the bar and bat mitzvas, even of that of Yoni, our elder sister (when she got to this age, it is about when those recorders got popular). You are welcome to see it when you come to visit again 🙂

For me? In my last year in the army, as a sergeant I bought a new digital camera. It was fat and big, and shame on me – Doesn’t look like I use it enough. I did manage to find this video of one of our exercises in the engineering corps: To gap over an anti-tank trench with a Meishar bridge using a Puma

One of the films on the videotapes

A picture from the video above - engineering corps: To gap over an anti-tank trench with a Meishar bridge using a Puma - videotapeA picture from the video above – engineering corps: To gap over an anti-tank trench with a Meishar bridge using a Puma – videotape

Take care