September 21th 2008 – Vegetarianism

Hi miss,

How do you?

Well first things first – Guri has broken his vegetarianism. He has been like that for 5 years. He set down for a meeting with his friends from the scouts in the room went out and said – “I am going to eat meat”. They went down town 10 people, went to the fanciest restaurant and asked for one place, Guri sat down and bought the most expansive dish he found and ate meat first time since the age of 12.

Fatma growing up to be a little alcoholic. Ima bought Aba a raspberry vodka. We all pretty much hated it, So Fatma finished it all. She put some make up and went out with her friends – she is only 14 years old.

Yep, Dad is 56 years old. He born in the end of Yom Kippur. It is a fast we have once a year – It is more than a fast because most of the country acts like religious people acts in Sabbath: No electricity, no cars, no fire, no showers. And because it is a fast they don’t do what it is called Saturday pleasure – Guess what it is (a clue – the two backs beast...).

Ima and Aba are fighting with Yoni over the way she act. She is really doesn’t nice. Ima asked me couple of days ago – How do you educate a 29 years old girl?

Well there is a world crisis and I can find out one good thing about it – You won’t come here! Something I fear so much (I have dreams in which I am running away from you,  one thing about them is that you look different. I hope it is because I has forgotten how you look like)

A couple of days ago We had a inner party elections. The Prime minister has quit after he had 9 cases against him. They elected a woman, to be a prime minister at least until the elections. I guess that if you would have read it you would be happy, but it is pretty dangerous over here in the Middle East. First of all We remember the last and only prime minister we had called Golda Meir. During her term Israel had suffered an horrible war. Second, in the Arab culture, what we did may seem as weakness. You might say we should not care about it and it doesn’t make any difference but: They might want to use that weakness and stack us….

I am working in the gas station. I am helping the Arab workers now because they have a custom those days – They don’t eat nor drink the all day: from sunrise to sunset. They sent me to tell something in Arabic to the other person. Most of the times it is something that include very nasty – The other Arab starts to chase me around the station until we got tired (or we got work). And the second one sends me to the first one….

I really wants to know whats going on with you but I cannot allow it to myself.

Bye miss.